
Improved Email Virus Scanning

Jan. 16, 2002 Eden Prairie, MN: Real Time Enterprises has upgraded the capabilities of the Email Virus Scanning available as an add-on to their Linux Mail Server. The new package still pulls the latest virus dat files from the Internet overnight and scans incoming email, but now it also scans outgoing messages and allows for file type blocking.

File type blocking will help many administrators who need to keep .exe, .com or other potentially harmful files from arriving on client machines.

Real Time Enterprises is a Network Consulting company that specializes in Linux, Security, Internet Services and Programming. The company opened it's doors seven years ago and has helped organizations from the NFL and Sports Ticker to Chrysalis Center for Women and Food for the Hungry.


Real Time Enterprises, Inc.

Real Time Enterprises, Inc.
10181 Crosstown Circle
Eden Prairie, MN 55344

Phone: (952) 943-8700
Fax: (952) 943-8500
